Emails2Rss - Forward email notifications to RSS feed

Volodymyr Shtenovych News RSS feedNews RSS feed

Emails2Rss - Forward email notifications to RSS feed

Emails 2 RSS is a free service that allows you to make your inbox more cleanly by redirecting not important mails to special RSS 2.0 feed generated for you.
It might be helpful in case you want to read one or few of following sources with your favorite RSS reader (like Google Reader for me):
  • Notifications from social networks
  • Mailing lists
  • News from sites that do not provide RSS or ATOM feeds, but send emails
  • To automatically schedule torrents to download by subscribing the client on your custom feed and send email to start new file
  • Any other information you want to read via your favorite RSS Reader instead of email client

The service address:


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Brainbench test C# 4.0
Volodymyr Shtenovych